Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Spitting In The Face Of "Victory".

Compassion Over Killing and Vegan Outreach have announced "victory" in the battle to get Kellogg's Morningstar Farms to stop using battery cage eggs in their products. Kellogg's has announced that they will reduce the amount of eggs they use in their products by one million eggs in 2008, and that they will make more vegan products. The eggs they still use will still come from some of the most horrid places on earth, the modern egg factory. Hens that live half of their natural life-span, have their beaks sheared off, and live in tight cages without ever seeing the light of day or feeling the ground under their feet.
The move by Kellogg is simply a marketing ploy to regain sales lost to the boycott while still maintaining the same cruel business practices they have been using all along. Yes, they will be responsible for less cruelty, but not enough to warrant lifting the boycott and supporting this spit in the face of all we believe in. This is simply a move to pacify us and distract us from the real issue.
I encourage everyone to write BOTH Kellogg's Morningstar Farms and Compassion Over Killing/Vegan Outreach and let them know that this simply is not enough.

Until next time... Stay Pissed.

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