Tuesday, January 15, 2008

"Help control the pet population, have your pet spayed or neutured"

Cats and dogs are killed by the thousands in shelters everyday. The two primary reasons for this atrocity. First, too many people are too fucking ignorant to get dogs and cats fixed. they let their pets breed and either give away or sell the puppies/kittens for profit. The other main reason is that people buy animals. Buying a dog or cat encourages people to breed these animals for profit. IF YOU BUY A DOG OR A CAT YOU ARE DIRECTLY SUPPORTING A CULTURE THAT ALLOW THESE ANIMALS TO REPRODUCE IN SUCH VAST NUMBERS THAT MILLIONS ARE KILLED EVERY YEAR. If you want to open your home to a companion animal, do the right thing, find an animal that needs a home. You can visit your local animal shelter, respond to an animal rescue website, or adopt an animal that would have ended up in a shelter. While your at it, find a NO KILL animal shelter and give them a donation.

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